Oct 12, 2009 | bardis | 1125 views
Highlanders Rock In Hamilton
Minor Midgets Go 3 & 1 In Hamilton Reps Tournament
Leeder & Associates Minor Midget AAA Highlanders play hard in Hamilton Reps Tournament over Thanks Giving week end. London Knights feel the heat in game one as the Highlanders pound the net with numerous scoring chances, Nichols from Timlock find the net on a power play for the first goal and Timlock from Nichols and Wright find the net again to finish off London by a score of 2-1.
Game 2 against Markham Waxers found the Highlanders napping as they came out flat taking a 6 -2 loss, Pitt from Wright and Timlock actually put the Highlanders up 1 - 0 but the lead didn't last. Timlock from Cameron found the net once more.
Game 3 vs USA Pittsburg brought the Highlanders back to life with a well deserved 4 - 1 win. Pitt from Ardis opened the scoring, Nichols from Timlock, Graham from Hughson & Lewis, and Hughson unassisted finsished off the scoring.
Game 4 against a very large Toronto Red Wings team was exciting to watch as the Highlanders found themselves as they dominated play with exceptional work ethic and passing that payed off to a 5 - 2 victory, Hayden Allen pounded in our first power play goal from the blue line from a Timlock pass, Nichols deflected another point shot from MacDermid to take a 2-0 lead, Red Wings fought back to no avail as Weigel from Hughson, Hughson from Lewis and Timlock from Wright finished of the Toronto team.
Goaltender Paul Boyadjian was given the opportunity between the pipes and supplied the team with solid play, 3 wins wasn't enough to advance the Highlanders to the finals but a great effort by all. Leeder & Associates finished 2nd in the division with 6 points, Markham Waxers finished with 7 points to advance.