Annual General Meeting Constitutional Amendments, News (Grey-Bruce Highlanders AAA Minor Hockey Association)

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Mar 29, 2012 | dmoffatt | 1797 views
Annual General Meeting Constitutional Amendments
Mon. May 14, 2012





TO Grey Bruce Highlanders AAA Minor Hockey Constitution



Amendment No. 1


Submitted by GBH Minor Hockey Committee


Moved by:  _____________________   Seconded By: _____________________


6. Terms of Membership & Eligibility

6.3 Membership Year:


Unless otherwise determined by the (Board), every Membership, other than Active & Honorary Memberships shall commence on or after May 1st in each year, and shall lapse and terminate on the 30th day of April next following the date on which such Membership commenced. Active Membership shall commence following Annual General Meeting of election or appointment and shall lapse and terminate at the next Annual General Meeting.

Now Reads

Unless otherwise determined by the (Board), every Membership, other than Honorary Memberships shall commence on or after May 1st in each year, and shall lapse and terminate on the 30th day of April next following the date on which such Membership commenced.


Rationale:  Allowing Elected or Appointed officials to continue operations of the association from AGM to AGM.



Amendment No. 2


Submitted by GBH Minor Hockey Committee


Moved by:  _____________________   Seconded By: _____________________


8. Board of Directors


8.1  Composition


(a)       Eligibility


A Director:

(i)      shall be eighteen (18) or more years of age:

(ii)        shall not be an undischarged bankrupt or of unsound mind.

(iii)       shall remain a Member of the Association throughout his or her term of office.


Now Reads

A Director:

(i)      shall be eighteen (18) or more years of age;

(ii)     shall not be an undischarged bankrupt or of unsound mind;

(iii)    shall be a member of the association at the time of his or her election or appointment;

(iv)    shall remain a Member of the Association throughout his of her term of office.


Rationale:  Remove (iii) to allow non parent and community volunteers to be elected to board of director and renumbering (iv) to (iii)

Amendment No. 3   


Submitted by GBH Minor Hockey Committee


Moved by:  _____________________   Seconded By: _____________________


9. Procedure for Election of Directors


9.2   Board Positions


The Board shall consist of the following

a)     Past President – (immediate) (non-voting)

b)    President – Elected one (1) year term

c)     1st Vice President – Elected – one (1) year term

d)    2nd Vice President – Elected – one (1) year term

e)     Treasurer – Elected - one (1) year term

f)     Secretary – Elected – one (1) year term

g)    Directors at Large –Four (4) to be elected – one (1) year term

h)     Ice Convenor/Administrator – Appointed one (1) year term (non voting)

i)      Referee in Chief – Appointed – one (1) year term (non voting)

j)      Coach Mentor/Technical Director – Appointed – one (1) year term (non voting)

k)     Parent Representative from each team – selected by each team in the current season



Now Reads

The board shall consist of the following

a)     Past President – (immediate) (non-voting)

b)    President – Elected one (1) year term

c)     1st Vice President – Elected – one (1) year term

d)    2nd Vice President – Elected – one (1) year term

e)     Treasurer – Elected - one (1) year term

f)     Secretary – Elected – one (1) year term

g)    Directors at Large –Four (4) to be elected – one (1) year term

h)     Ice Convenor/Administrator – Appointed one (1) year term (non voting)

i)      Referee in Chief – Appointed – one (1) year term (non voting)

j)      Parent Representative from each team – selected by each team in the current season


Rationale:  Added  (j) Coach Mentor/Technical Director to the list of Board position as an appointed director, renumbering (j) to (k)


Amendment No. 4    - only if amendment #3 passes


Submitted by GBH Minor Hockey Committee


Moved by:  _____________________   Seconded By: _____________________


11. Responsibilities of Directors


l)      Coach Mentor/Technical Director

The Coach Mentor/Technical Director shall

i)      Recruit coaches

ii)     Contact person for prospective coaches

iii)    Interviewing and final selection

iv)    Provide new coaches with their initial instructions

v)     Support and assist coaches with on ice development plans

vi)    For the purpose of establishing, implementing and evaluating on ice and off ice technical development programs

vii)   Recruit competent instructors to perform the functions required for technical development

Now Reads

Nothing currently in constitution.


Rationale:  Added  (l) Coach Mentor/Technical Director responsibilities to section 11


Amendment No. 5  


Submitted by GBH Minor Hockey Committee


Moved by:  _____________________   Seconded By: _____________________


11. Responsibilities of Directors

a)         President

b)        1st Vice President

c)         2nd Vice President

d)        Treasurer

e)         Secretary

f)         Past President

g)        Referee in Chief

h)         Ice Convenor/Registrar

i)          Parent Representative

j)          Directors – At – Large

k)         Risk Management Director

l)          Coach Mentor/Technical Director


Now Reads

11.1   President

11.2   1st Vice President

11.3   2nd Vice President

11.4   Treasurer

e)         Secretary

f)         Past President

g)        Referee in Chief

h)         Ice Convenor/Registrar

i)          Parent Representative

j)          Directors – At – Large

k)         Risk Management Director

l)          Coach Mentor/Technical Director


Rationale:  Housekeeping to renumber all of section 11 in a similar format.