Organization | Apr 26, 2014 | dmoffatt | 13763 views
2014-2015 Awards Banquet
Good friends, good food bringing all Association Players and families together.
Zac Herrold Memorial Award - Robert White
Michael O'Hara Award - Collin Zettler
5 Year Award - Alex Tiley, Brady Anderson, Hunter Robbins Gibbons, Jamieson Buck
Coach Of The Year - Doug Griffiths
Guest Speaker - John Lovell
Head Table Guests - Rob Ring, OMHA President Michele Sguigna, OMHA Regional Executive Member
Team MVPs
Atom - Patrick Brown
Minor PeeWee - William Black
PeeWee - Cody Marle
Minor Bantam - Connor Roberts
Bantam - Noah Johnson
Minor Midget - Jordan Caskinette
Midget - Ethan Skinner
Each year the Minor Bantam team host the Awards Banquet so a Thank you to the members of this team for allowing us to gather for such an enjoyable evening.