Lemonade, News, PeeWee, 2013-2014 (Grey-Bruce Highlanders AAA Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 26, 2014 | kenglish | 1634 views
Article written by Brent Alderdice "Author Extraordinaire"

The following is a dramatization based upon a series of conversations between the Grey Bruce PeeWee Highlanders staff writer and his two muses, Hope and Despair; with a cameo appearance by his nemesis, Procrastination.

Staff Writer

I have got to write an article about the team. It’s been too long between articles. I’m tapped out though; I think I have writer’s block. Maybe I could do another jinx article or maybe another holiday song parody. I just don’t know.


Something will come to you tomorrow. You’ll see.


I don’t think you have an original thought left in your head. I think you should copy one of the other Grey Bruce Team news articles. Just change the title. People only look at their own team news anyway.


I think Procrastination has a valid point. Wait until this weekend’s games are over. I think the PeeWees will win both doubleheaders and absolutely crush the teams they play. After the back to back to back to back wins you can write a “bow down before me for we are your kings” article or, maybe just go with a winner winner chicken dinner article.

You will do a great job with either of those plans.


Nothing Hope has said has any chance of happening.


You have to believe.


Go with the facts you know and write a “here are the facts” article. The facts are simple; as should your article be. In the last 10 games, the PeeWees are 1-8-1.

Times are tough.


That’s the PeeWees third win this season!


Plus another tie!


And it’s not Father’s Day!


I think it’s going to snow again tonight. It’s so cold.


Maybe it will be a snow day…


When will it end? We’ve had everything thrown at us this winter…

snow watches...

snow warnings…

snow squalls…

snow storms…

I think we even had a snow tsunami.


Try saying snow tsunami ten times fast.

Staff Writer

Snow tsunami…Snow tsunami…snow sugami. Argggh!!! It’s unpossible.


Are you done writing the article?

Staff Writer

I’ve barely started.


I’m sure the second half will be better and more thought out.

Staff Writer

Thanks guys.

Okay…what do we have so far…Hope’s waiting for this weekend games to pan out idea or Despair’s a win, a tie, lots of losses, and never ending winter weather article. What to choose...what to choose….


There’s got to be something here to write about, we’ve just got to find it.


Focus on the positive. Always on the positive.

Staff Writer

Alright, let’s think of positive things that are happening with the team.


Powerskating’s over.


Excellent work Despair.


What about the recent win. That’s got to be positive.

Staff Writer

Great point Hope. It’s the third game the Highlanders have won. All against Brampton.


And the tie.

Staff Writer

It’s the team’s fourth tie, 1-1, against the Niagara North Stars.


I think the tie, especially coming on the second game of a doubleheader where we lost the first game, shows a level of commitment and perseverance in the team. I like the unwillingness to give in the PeeWee team is showing.

Staff Writer

I agree. Positive is good. I think it will be easier to write if I focus on the positive team news.


Like the end of powerskating.




Look you two, you still have to deliver the PeeWee team news and not everything is sunshine and lemonade.

Staff Writer

That’s it Despair. You’ve done it. Lemonade. It’s lemonade. The article will be about lemonade.

Hope and Despair

He’s lost it…

Staff Writer

No seriously, great brainstorming. Sure, there have been hard games and the winter has been more wintery than global warming has led us to expect, but…focus on the positive…look to where the team is heading…how it’s improving through powerskating and practicing and playing games.


I’m still missing the lemonade analogy.


Think Despair. If “life gives you lemons, make lemonade”.

Staff Writer

That’s the article. Done.


As long as you don’t take another two weeks to write it.


I know you can do it. Let me be the first to congratulate on an article well written.


New topic…which one of you two is timekeeping for me this weekend…?

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