Dec 20, 2013 | kenglish | 1809 views
The Twelve Days of PeeWee Christmas
Article written by Brent Teller of Tales Alderdice
Greetings Team News readers and Grey Bruce PeeWee website subscribers and new people who may have read previous articles and are being drawn into the webdiction of PeeWee Team News. With the holiday season upon us and the mid-point of the SCTA season approaching I thought it might be appropriate to celebrate our young protagonists and their successes so far…and how else to celebrate Christmas and the PeeWees but in song, specifically through the use of the famous carol , the twelve days of Christmas.
Before I jump right to the PeeWee version of this timeless carol there are some points concerning the song that I would like you to note.
1. This is a Christmas carol and Christmas carols should be sung. You can sing to yourself or sing to someone else or sing to a large group. Just sing. Its Christmas.
2. Do not skip day one through eleven and just read it from the twelfth day. That would be cheating and very Grinch like.
3. Goalies…you aren’t mentioned in the carol. I’m sorry. The last time I checked, there are only 2 goalies on a team and the only real slot I could fit you in was at …2…and I chose to devote that day to a couple of equally important events.
4. On the eight day, much artistic license was used.
5. I know I don’t need to remind everyone but just in case, please remember that this arrangement salutes English composer Frederic Austin, who first introduced the now familiar prolongation of the verse "five gold rings". Remember….…p….r….o….l….o….n….g….e….d. we go…
On the first day of Christmas the head coach he did scream...
There is a reason for believin’ in this team.
On the second day of Christmas the head coach he did scream...
2 must wins…
and there is a reason for believin’ in this team.
On the third day of Christmas the head coach he did scream...
3 prize ties…
2 must wins..
and there is a reason for believin’ in this team.
On the fourth day of Christmas the head coach he did scream...
4 assistant coaches…
3 prize ties…
2 must wins…
and there is a reason for believin’ in this team.
On the fifth day of Christmas the head coach he did scream...
50/50 tickets…
4 assistant coaches…
3 prize ties…
2 must wins…
and there is a reason for believin’ in this team.
On the sixth day of Christmas the head coach he did scream...
6 D for playing…
50/50 tickets…
4 assistant coaches…
3 prize ties…
2 must wins…
and there is a reason for believin’ in this team.
On the seventh day of Christmas the head coach he did scream...
7 points and climbing…
6 D for playing…
50/50 tickets…
4 assistant coaches…
3 prize ties…
2 must wins…
and there is a reason for believin’ in this team.
On the eighth day of Christmas the head coach he did scream...
8 jinx methinking…
7 points and climbing…
6 D for playing…
50/50 tickets…
4 assistant coaches…
3 prize ties…
2 must wins…
and there is a reason for believin’ in this team.
On the ninth day of Christmas the head coach he did scream...
9 forwards skating…
8 jinx methinking…
7 points and climbing…
6 D for playing…
50/50 tickets…
4 assistant coaches…
3 prize ties…
2 must wins…
and there is a reason for believin’ in this team.
On the tenth day of Christmas the head coach he did scream...
10 Chesley contests…
9 forwards skating…
8 jinx methinking…
7 points and climbing…
6 D for playing…
50/50 tickets…
4 assistant coaches…
3 prize ties…
2 must wins…
and there is a reason for believin’ in this team.
On the eleventh day of Christmas the head coach he did scream...
11 road game tamings…
10 Chesley contests…
9 forwards skating…
8 jinx methinking…
7 points and climbing…
6 D for playing…
50/50 tickets…
4 assistant coaches…
3 prize ties…
2 must wins…
and there is a reason for believin’ in this team.
On the twelfth day of Christmas the head coach he did scream...
12 weeks with minor bantam…
11 road game tamings…
10 Chesley contests…
9 forwards skating…
8 jinx methinking…
7 points and climbing…
6 D for playing…
50/50 tickets…
4 assistant coaches…
3 prize ties…
2 must wins…
That’s it. Peace and love.