Give Me Hills to Climb, News, PeeWee, 2013-2014 (Grey-Bruce Highlanders AAA Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 10, 2013 | kenglish | 1588 views
Give Me Hills to Climb
Give me hills to climb,
And strength for climbing!

     This closing verse of a poem by Arthur Guiterman seemed appropriate to me at the end of the PeeWee Highlanders game this week against the Burlington Eagles. The final score was 10 -2 in favour of the Eagles and for most of the game it was 1-0, 2-0, 3-0, 4-0 etc. The final result was the same as the first two games of the season which saw the Highlanders lose 4-1 to the Halton Hurricanes, and 7-6 to  Brampton.

     So why does this verse about climbing hills seem appropriate? Well, I think the lines speak to how people, in this case our young Highlanders, adapt to challenge.  

     In the last two games, hills has been presented to this team and in each case they have shown the strength to start climbing. Against Brampton after leading 4-1 , then losing the lead to 6-5 , then giving up an empty net goal to make it 7-5, our young team found the strength to try one more time to climb that hill. We scored and lost but still showed the strength for climbing.

     Against Burlington, after falling behind 8-0, the team dug their skates in and tried climbing again. The penalty killing started to show promise, as did the team breakouts, and they were rewarded with two strong goals and a very evenly played third period. The final result was a loss but the PeeWee Highlanders kept climbing. I am sure that the PeeWee Highlanders will continue to show the fortitude to meet any challenge presented and I look forward to writing about this weekend’s doubleheader against Buffalo. 

     In closing, I thought while driving home from Chesley that I would write my own poem to salute our team. Well it’s a long drive and I ended up with a haiku, which is a Japanese poem composed of 17 syllables, in three phrases of 5, 7 and 5 , and a seasonal reference. I will try not to be so arty next time, perhaps more athletically focused. 

Here goes…

    Grey Bruce Highlander

     Winter brings pain and glory

     Together we grow

Ciao for niao.

Article written by Brent Alderdice



Wes for Youth
In September 2011, we lost our son, Wes, to suicide. He was just 16. He was a caring young man with a sensitive, generous, happy nature and an infectious smile that cheered and encouraged others. Neither his two brothers or we, his parents, would ever have thought something like this could happen, to him or to us. Devastated, we questioned how could this be? We found the shocking truth that many of our children, notably teens, are struggling or suffering with problems or issues, important to them; feeling alone and dealing with them with little or no experience; maybe feeling unable to ask teachers, coaches, peers, friends, parents or siblings for help. Why not? For fear they may appear weak, laughed at, judged inadequate or unacceptable to those around them. Today’s teen communicates and connects in a very different way than their parents and that is through social media and networking. They are the first generation to be raised with texting, messaging, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc. It keeps them ‘in the loop’ 24/7 and they rely on it for expression, integration, acceptance and approval. Social media is their comfort zone and where many go first, rightly or wrongly for all their answers. It is okay to have problems and it is okay to ask for help. If teens need or are willing to accept support or counselling for any problem, large or small, we believe many will choose social media before more traditional resources. wants to be there for them: a place to go to express themselves and get support from professional, non-judgemental counsellors; it will be a one-on-one connection for them, away from any office, or the eyes and opinions of others. Online counselling will give teens an opportunity to share their feelings and concerns, deal with their life issues privately in a manner familiar and comfortable to them, while ensuring a safety net in the process. We hope the website and online counselling will raise awareness and promote mental and emotional wellness in our youth. We want it to be a resource for both teens and parents in Bruce and Grey counties. Your life is worth living….we want to help Jamie & Yolanda Cameron Founders 427 Durham Street East, Box 2364 Walkerton, ON N0G 2V0 Phone: 519-507-3737 or toll free 1-855-577-3737