High View Painting Midget Highlanders Host, News, Midget, 2010-2011 (Grey-Bruce Highlanders AAA Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2010-2011 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 18, 2011 | hhudson | 2385 views
High View Painting Midget Highlanders Host

This event has been Cancelled Due to Road Closesures and the weather Conditions Resheduled for Feb 4th . Thank you for your support

High View Painting Midget Highlanders are hosting a Texas Hold'em Tournament.

 Resheduled for Feb 4th
Starts 7:00pm
Doors open at 6:00pm
Where : Hanover knights of Columbus Hall

Initial Buy-In: $40 for 2000 starting chips (all of which goes into the prize pool)
Optional Re-Buys: $20 for 2000 more chips (available to any player that busts out in the first 3 rounds)
Optional Add-On: $20 for 2000 chips or $40 for 5000 chips (available only once to any player and only during the first break after round 3)
Blind Levels: 30 minutes for the first 3 rounds and 20 minutes thereafter
Food and refreshments available
Spots Available: 130 (pre-registrants are guaranteed a spot)
Tournament Directors: Jeff Norwich

High View Painting Midget Highlanders Thank you for your Support !