Welcome Back for the 2021/22 Season!, News (Grey-Bruce Highlanders AAA Minor Hockey Association)

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Sep 21, 2021 | Heidi MacPherson | 1037 views
Welcome Back for the 2021/22 Season!
COVID update - As of September 22, 2021 anyone 12 years of age or older entering arena facilities will have to provide proof of full vaccination, meaning having received the second vaccination at least 14 days prior to the event.  At this point, we believe that identification which includes name and date of birth will have to be presented as well.  

At this time, WE DO NOT BELIEVE THIS INCLUDES PLAYERS BETWEEN THE AGES OF 12-18 WHO ARE THERE FOR A SCHEDULED PRACTICE AND WILL BE ON THE ICE but please be prepared to show this just in case.  It does include bench staff (e.g., coaches, trainers), refs, volunteers, parents, and anyone who is over the age of 12 but is not there for their scheduled practice. Siblings attending a practice or game that is not their own, will also be required to show proof of vaccination if over the age of 12.  However, by October 31, 2021 OHMA has mandated all players be fully vaccinated.

All COVID screening and contact tracing for the teams is still required until further notice.

If you cannot find a copy of your vaccine certificate for yourself or your child, they can be obtained by calling the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre at 1-833-943-3900 or go to https://covid19.ontariohealth.ca/.

As of tomorrow, there will be no exemptions to above – you will be required to show this information. This information will be gathered and maintained by the municipal staff and volunteers who are there to enforce these rules - please remember that they are doing their jobs and not to be frustrated with them.  

As an Executive, we will do our best to keep you informed of the rules and changes throughout the season.  Please remember that these are Provincial rules not Grey Bruce Highlander rules.

Thank you for your understanding and patience as we continue to navigate through these unprecedented times. 
GBH Executive