PENALTY CODING-OMHA, News (Grey-Bruce Highlanders AAA Minor Hockey Association)

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Dec 29, 2013 | dmoffatt | 9918 views
December 20, 2013


To: OMHA Member Associations

From: Richard Ropchan

CC: OMHA Board Members

OMHA Convenors

Date: December 20, 2013


This memorandum is being sent to all Member Associations as a reminder relating to miscoded or non- coded penalties on a game sheet.

Be advised that in all cases of miscoded or missing code infractions it still is the responsibility of the team officials to adhere to the requirements of the Suspension List shown on pages 227 and 228 of the current OMHA Manual of Operations. All Major penalty infractions and all Gross Misconduct penalty infractions include suspensions.

Details on how the suspensions are to be served can be found in Regulation 8.2 on pages 118 – 121 of the current OMHA Manual of Operations. At this point in the season, there are no excuses for suspensions not being served as a result of a coding error. If difficulty is encountered in determining the actual type of suspension penalty from the wording and/or coding, it is the responsibility of the Team Officials to have this clarified so the correct suspension is served. Clarification of the type of penalty assessed may be obtained from the assessing on-ice official. Clarification of the suspension to be served may be obtained through the Centre Contact in consultation with the OMHA Convenor or the Regional Executive Member.

The policy of the OMHA is that all suspension penalties, if miscoded or not coded at all, must be treated as if the coding was present. Some examples of the most commonly miscoded or missing code infractions include:

a) Instigator 36 d) Fighting GM31

b) Aggressor 37 e) Checking from Behind GM50 and 51

c) Fighting GM30 f) Checking to the Head GM71

The above list is only a guide for your reference to the most commonly miscoded or missing code infractions. Please ensure that all Executive, Coaches and Managers are made aware of this memorandum.



Richard Ropchan

Executive Director