Sticks For Ice Golf Tournament, News (Grey-Bruce Highlanders AAA Minor Hockey Association)

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Jul 23, 2013 | dmoffatt | 6150 views
Sticks For Ice Golf Tournament
Fun on the Greens!


Minor Bantam Mom Angie Vanwyck, Larry Stortz, Assistant Coach Rob
McKenzie and Jen Shortt.


Chief Scott Lee, Lou Strelos, Jake Linklater and Minor Midget Parent
Peter Akiwenzie.


Midget Parent Dan Richards, Midget Assistant Coach Scott Betts as navigator with Midget Coach Doug Griffiths behind the wheel and SCTA Rep Al Buck.


President Kevin's wife Judy and Sue Walton.


Ron Walton with President Kevin Belbeck at the wheel.


Former president Bob Nicol and his wife Wendy.


Denise Reid and Gord Hicks

A fun day was had by all 52 Golfers with good food and great friendships. 
Top team consisted of Michael Todd, Greg Nicol, Curtis Pringle and Marc Scott.
The big winners where however Grey Bruce Highlanders and Owen Sound Minor Hockey.
A big Thank You goes to the OSMHG volunteers Brian Seaman, Grant Oldrieve, Linda Fry, Mohana Fiel and Cate Foster and of course Garb and Gear, Owen Sound who took the lead in organizing this charitable event.