Highlander Coach Introduction Announcement‏, News (Grey-Bruce Highlanders AAA Minor Hockey Association)

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Jan 31, 2013 | dmoffatt | 12673 views
Highlander Coach Introduction Announcement‏
The Grey Bruce Highlanders are very pleased to announce that 2 new teams, Major Novice and Minor Atom, are being introduced to the Highlanders lineup for 2013-2014!

This will give young players in our area the same opportunity to access the highest level skill development, coaching and competition that can be found anywhere in the province.

The following coaches have been confirmed for the 2013-2014 season for the Grey Bruce Highlanders:

Major Novice (2005) Mike Broderick

Minor Atom (2004) Robert McKenzie

Major Atom (2003) Geoff Waite

Minor PeeWee (2002) Jeff Goldie

Major PeeWee (2001) TBD

Minor Bantam (2000) Tom Sguigna

Major Bantam (1999) Brian Royle

Minor Midget (1998) TBD

Major Midget (1996/97) Doug Griffiths